Monday, July 11, 2005


IMG_4106.JPG, originally uploaded by la_fleur.

People who really know me quickly learn that I am obsessed with cars. I don't know why, but I am. Very few of my friends share this interest, though those that do understand why. A car is something beyond mechanical object or a tool to get you from A to B. A car is a vehicle, an aesthetic entity, a treasure, an asset and most of all a friend. I really appreciate it when I meet people who share the understanding I have of cars. Though I can always find interest in my academic pursuits, what has always held my heart and mind more is working with my hands, especially on cars. I love seeing the beauty inherent in mechanical objects, especially those designed with an aesthetic eye. If one looks closely at the photos I take (more specifically my film stuff, not my digital images) one will see that I always am drawn to strongly structural images, especially those showcasing specific design elements focusing on man made beauty. Nature is not lost on me, but I do have a prediliction for the "built".
My most recent endeavour was the addition of a supercharger to my A4. After a month of working on it, it is finally complete and I love it. The power gained from this is around 60% of the previous output, so, for those who care, it produces about 280hp. Quite a nice gain, I must say. Now, though, I must put this new enjoyment away as I depart for New Hampshire and the fast approaching Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth...