Monday, June 20, 2005

Summer kickoff

IMG_3854.JPG, originally uploaded by la_fleur.

The beginning of my time home was largely defined by times like this, relaxing at the beach, drinking some beer (most often Red Stripe or Foster's) and in general being happy. It didn't last as long as hoped though, the inevitable commitments of the summer, be they classes, work, girlfriends, boyfriends or whatever, have pulled everyone away. Seeing as my "commitment" does not begin until mid-July, I am left with a large amount of idle time on my hands, most of which is spent longing for the times we were relaxing, and not having obligations to keep us busy and not worry about it. It's unfortunate, given all this free time, that I tend to get so little done. I have wasted what amounts to entirely too much time. I know free time should be revered, but my situation is disheartening, nonetheless, in my lack of motivation to get stuff done- I'd like to say I am just taking it easy, but increasingly I feel like I am wasting time that I am very lucky to have free. Playing into this as well is my accustomization to doing something new every day while in Sverige. That has unfortunately not manifested itself at home, despite my hopes to the contrary. As such, I slog on at home, waiting for a time when things will pick up...


IMG_4067.JPG, originally uploaded by la_fleur.

First off- screw Michelin. Now, for the reason. In Formula One racing (read: most difficult racing in the world aside from World Rally, perhaps), there are two tire manufacturers: Bridgestone and Michelin. At this year's US Grand Prix at Indinapolis the Michelin tires were having problems, all cars equipped with the tires either had failures on Turn 13 of the course, or came close to having failures. As such, the teams wanted to change tires for the race. F1 rules stipulate that tire changes are not allowed unless tires are damaged beyond repair while racing. The options the Michelin teams were left with were to A) put a in chicane (a turn used to slow cars down on a fast striaght) after Turn 13, B) pit every lap in order to check the damage to the tires or C) change tires. Everyone thought that the F1 organizers would back down and allow a tire change to a safer tires. Unfortunately this never happened, and after a practice lap on the course, 14 of the 20 cars (the ones running the french michelin tires) left the track and went to the garages. The 100,000+ fans at the race were a little confused and as we saw the race start with only 6 cars we began hearing boos and yells as everyone realized that they got screwed out of a real race. The 6 cars were made of 2 Ferraris who would obviously win and 4 cars that had no chance of winning a real race, let alone one with only 6 cars! Many people left, all were angry and F1 had its worst PR day ever. All because Michelin sent the wrong tires and refused to ask its racers to simply drive slower and work with the tires they had.

The Matrix Catch

IMG_3931.JPG, originally uploaded by la_fleur.

This is from the 23rd of May, at Macatawa Beach in Michigan. Ross is attempting the infinitely impressive Matrix catch. For this you must stand square to the disc as it approaches you and then lean as far back as possible, limbo/matrix style, which reaching up behind the disc and grabbing it as it passes inches above your nose. The completion of such an idyllic catch creates ample ooooohhhss and ahhhhs from stunned crowds as the catcher straightens up, twists his neck as an Agent would, and continues to play.